Thank you for supporting The Chess Table Project!
We are now 1/3 of the way there, with 100% of all donations going directly to the cost of purchasing and installing a new public outdoor chess table at the corner of Queen and Church.
Your donations make a tangible difference to a marginalized community in this city. You:
OFFER HOPE. Community members with a potential to become isolated have a place to meet, socialize, and find support in each other.
CELEBRATE DIVERSITY. The chess tables bring together a wonderfully diverse group of people who find inclusion and equity in a shared game.
FULFILL A DREAM. This is an idea born from the people who find social support in the space around these tables. When I ran for city council in 2010, these folks approached me with the dream of adding another chess table to the park, since the existing tables are in high demand. Let’s show our support!
LEAVE A LEGACY. A new permanent chess table is a positive mark we can leave for years to come. It’s a contribution that will continue to benefit this city for many, many years.
We just need a few more supporters to make this happen. Could you help me out by spreading the word to people you know?
Send your friends a link to
Give a gift donation for a birthday or special occasion. I’ll send your friend a personalized card explaining the project, and how your gift in their honour is making our city a better place for many years to come.
Remember that donations over $10 receive a charitable tax receipt from the Lions Club of Toronto.
Thanks again, everyone. We’re almost there!
How much does one of these chess tables cost?